- 瑜珈枕外枕套可拆洗。 The outer pillowcase can be detachable and washable.
- 建議獨立低溫冷水 手洗。 Suggest to wash it with low temperature water independently by hand.
- 深淺色及印花衣物請分色水洗,並縮短浸泡時間。 Please wash by separately from colors of deep and light including the printings and shorten the soaking time.
- 若機洗,請放入洗衣袋,避免與衣物相互拉扯破壞織物。 Please put it in laundry bag while washing by machine in order to avoid the damages from fabrics pulling each other.
- 洗滌後請至於室外通風處自然晾乾,避免陽光長時間過度曝曬。 After washing please put it in outdoor for dry by natural ventilation and avoid overexposed by sun.
- 切勿烘乾及整燙。 Never be tumble dry and iron.
- 瑜珈外枕套,經洗滌後將會1%~3% 的縮率,屬自然現象。 It is a nature phenomenon for Yoga pillow to have 1%~3% of shrinkage rage after washing.
● 保養 Keeping
- 為維持內枕心的乾淨,建議可以將內枕於陽光下曝曬,也可以用拍打,抖動的方式,去除灰塵髒汙。 In order to keep clean for inner pillow, suggest to expose it under the sunshine and remove the dust by patting and shaking.